Wednesday, June 1, 2011


You know love is the weirdest thing in life. People say we should go for it. Then they say we should not go for it. Then they say that it happens on its own. And still they go out in the world to search for it.

They search it, miss it, find it, flip it. Play with it and what not. Just never get to master it. After all love can never be mastered. It can only be possessed. And felt. And loved back.

What happens is that when there are a lot of happy couples around you, you start to feel lonely. Then you do mistakes. And you mistake feelings. Think of them as one thing, instead of something else. And then you realize your mistake. And think of yourself as a fool. A stupid fool. You try to rectify the mistake, and try not to be a fool again. But we are all forgetting one thing. Love is all about being a fool. It is all about being that stupid person doing those stupid things for that special someone. It is all about the rose petals and saying to yourself – He loves me? He loves me not? Or She loves me? She loves me not? And waiting anxiously for that one glimpse of the person.

Then you propose. And either you get a yes or a no. Which are the definitive. Either you will cry afterwards thinking that nothing happened. Or you will get to enjoy the beautiful company of that special someone. Be happy and smiling always, walking hand in hand. Those long drives. Kiss and make up. But ultimately cry again for something or the other. Lol… Unless you have a happily ever after tag on you, u fell into a circle of life which seems never ending at that point.

Then there is another response which is of the worst kind. The maybe. It’s like asking

"Are the pancakes ready?"


"So when can we eat it"

"I don’t know. I’ll have to check."

Helloooo you are the one making the pancakes. Not me. Tell me if you can make them or not. Else I’ll just out and have some hot dogs from Subway. I am hungry dude.

Still, in this situation, I can go out and try the hot dogs till the pan cake gets ready. And later if I am still hungry, or not satisfied with the service, have the pancakes (provided the cook is interested to share them :P )

Also there is a possibility that the pancakes may not be there when I come back. I might just miss them all. So it’s a risk that we have to take. To eat or not to eat. To wait or not to wait. ;)

The thing is… I manage all that very well. Easily to say the least. But then there is this new category which I do not understand. The "No. the pancakes are not for you. You go to Subway of McDonald or wherever you want to and stay away from my pancakes” expression. It is like a no. A definite no. But still not leaving. Still lingering on.

How are you? Where are you? Are you fine? Take care of yourself. Eat something. Don’t overstress.... Helloooo I already have a mother… phlease...

Still there are others like – You didn’t meet me sweetheart, When are we meeting next? Come back fast, etc, etc.

People, if you do not want to give me the pancakes, at least don’t ask me if I want them or not. Don’t ask me if I am hungry or not. Of course I am hungry. And I want the pancakes. And u would say no to it. So why the hell pretend? Why care so much? Why think so much? Leave me to what I am. Or give me the pancakes.

And better decide.

Abhay Vats

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